Experiences on 64 and 150 FPGA Systems

Four FPGA systems were evaluated: the Cray XD1 system with 6 FPGAs at ORNL and Cray, the Cray XD1 system with 150 FPGAs at NRL* and the 64 FPGAs on Edinburgh s Maxwell . Their hardware and software architectures, programming tools and performance on scientific applications are discussed. FPGA speedup (over a 2.2 GHz Opteron) of 10X was typical for matrix equation solution, molecular dynamics and weather/climate codes and upto 100X for human genome DNA sequencing. Large genome comparisons requiring 12.5 years for an Opteron took less than 24 hours on NRL s Cray XD1 with 150 Virtex FPGAs for a 7,350X speedup. pipeline so each query and database character are compared in parallel, resulting in a table of scores. Genome Sequencing Results: FPGA timing results (for up to 150 FPGAs) were obtained and compared with up to 150 Opterons for sequences of varying size and complexity (e.g. 4GB openfpga.org human DNA benchmark and 155M human vs. 166M mouse DNA). 1 FPGA: Bacillus_anthracis DNA compare: Genomes
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