Grounding the Vision of Religious Moderation as a Strategic Step in Preparing the Next Generation of the Nation towards Global Era

Today's social problems are increasingly showing unique complexity. The issue of terrorism that has its roots in understanding radical diversity is one of the biggest problems that occur. This is assumed to be a serious problem that is getting bigger due to technological developments that show extraordinary significance. This article will explore philosophically about the application of moderate Islamic education as a strategic step in preparing the nation's future generation towards a global era, where it is one of the options that can be pursued in order to carry out the vision of religious moderation which has been increasingly heavily campaigned by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia (RI Ministry of Religion). Based on several analyzes that have been carried out, the vision of religious moderation can be done in many ways, one of which is by applying moderate Islamic education. This has become a strategic option because education in Indonesia has a very vital position, where the government policy requires all Indonesians to study for 12 years. Through this moderate Islamic education, the future generation of this nation is expected to be able to maintain and improve the quality of their faith so that they can control and keep themselves from the danger of radical understanding. With such self-control, the nation's next generation will have a clear vision of life and can make the right decisions when faced with global problems.
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