Seasonal variation of effectiveness of the Boar‐Operated‐System to deliver baits to wild boar

BACKGROUND Wild boar and feral pig numbers are growing worldwide and have substantial economic and environmental impacts. Bait-delivered pharmaceuticals such as disease vaccines, toxicants and contraceptives are advocated to mitigate these impacts. Effective campaigns based on these pharmaceuticals rely on optimising the target species’ bait uptake, that might differ between seasons. We investigated seasonal differences in use of Boar-Operated-Systems (BOS) by wild boar and non-target species in an English woodland. RESULTS In a pre-trial phase (BOS left open), wild boar, wild mammals, birds, livestock and companion animals fed on the peanuts and maize used as bait in the BOS. During the trial (BOS closed), only wild boar consumed the baits. Wild boar visited and fed from a larger number of BOS in spring than in summer or winter. No aggressive intra-group interactions were recorded when wild boar fed from the BOS but adult males were observed to monopolise two BOS . Group size was highest in spring and bait uptake was lowest in winter. CONCLUSIONS The study confirmed the species-specificity of the BOS throughout the year and highlighted that, at least in this area, bait uptake by wild boar for baits delivered through the BOS would be maximised in spring.
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