A 1880 km Long Interferometric Optical Fibre Link PTB-MPQ-PTB for Chronometric Levelling with a Transportable Optical Clock

Chronometrie levelling [1–3] is a technique of deriving gravitational potential differences from clock frequency comparisons allowing the determination of height differences. Interferometric optical fibre links (IFL) [4] enable chronometric levelling between distant labs housing optical clocks [5]. An IFL is a phase stabilized telecom fibre link connection establishing a fixed optical phase relationship between two locations up to ∼1000 km apart [6]. To perform a chronometric levelling campaign between the stationary optical clocks of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) and PTB's transportable Strontium clock [7] placed at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) we have established a new 940 km long IFL between the two locations. At both link ends the frequencies of the clock lasers are compared to the 1,5 pm link transfer laser via fs-combs. To enable chronometric levelling experiments at the level of 10 cm height resolution, we aim a fractional frequency uncertainty of the frequency transfer of 40 dB.
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