From preliminary to definitive plans: two classes of neurons in frontal eye field

Prior to selecting an action, we often consider other possibilities. How does the brain represent these preliminary plans prior to action selection? Here, we investigated this question in the oculomotor system during self-guided search of natural scenes. We found two classes of neurons in the frontal eye field (FEF): 1) "late selection neurons" that represented the selected action plan not long before the upcoming saccade, and 2) "early selection neurons" that became predictive of the upcoming saccade much earlier, often before the previous saccade had even ended. Crucially, these early selection neurons did not only predict the upcoming saccade direction; they also reflected the probabilities of possible upcoming saccades, even when they did not end up being selected. Our results demonstrate that during naturalistic eye movements, separate populations of neurons code for preliminary and definitive plans.
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