Supporting nanopublication provenance: PMID2DOI converter

A major challenge of linked data is resolving the many different identifiers representing the same object Interconnecting the data requires mappings between the vocabularies and identifiers used in different data sets. To help with this issue, we have developed a service, which we use specifically for nanopublication provenance, that provides the conversion between two types of identifiers; the PubMed Identifier (PMID) which is a unique number assigned to PubMed citations of life science journal articles and the Digital Object Identifier™ (DOI) which is used for identifying digital content. DOI's are used to provide current information, including where the content (or information about the content) can be found on the Internet. DOI's are a very useful identifier as they often give a direct link back to the full text scientific article. We provide SOAP and REST web services the conversion data. In addition, there is a SPARQL endpoint for querying the mappings.
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