Yükseköğretimde Uluslararasılaşma: Uluslararası Öğrencilerin Bulunduğu Sınıflarda Ders Veren Öğretim Elemanlarının Öğretim Sürecinde Yaşadıkları Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri / Internationalization of Higher Education: Instructional Problems Experienced by Instructors who teach International Students and Their Suggestions for Solutions

Abstract The aim of this study is to identify problems in the instruction process experienced by instructors teaching international students at English preparatory classes at tertiary level and their suggestions for the solution of the problems. To this end, data were obtained from 26 instructors, selected through criterion sampling, at the school of foreign languages at a state university to define problems experienced in the instruction of reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, the process of assessment and evaluation, classroom communication, behavior management and other related issues regarding international students. This is a qualitative and descriptive case study and a semi-structured interview form was used as data collection instrument, developed based on the research questions, consisting of six questions. The data were analyzed through descriptive analysis and reported with quotations. The research findings suggest that the highest number of problems are experienced in the issues of writing skill, speaking skill, assessment and evaluation, classroom management, reading skill and listening skill respectively. In addition, difference in the alphabet used, pronunciation problems, use of native tongue in lessons, problems in exam practices, discipline problems and absenteeism problems are mostly stated problem areas. Besides, the instructors also offered practical suggestions for the solution of the stated problems. It is expected that the results of the study will put forth the opinions of instructors at tertiary level who are significant stakeholders of the rapid internationalization process in higher education lately and who are also ignored in the literature and thereby contribute to development of practices in the field. Oz Bu arastirmada, uluslararasi ogrencilerin bulundugu Ingilizce hazirlik siniflarinda ders veren ogretim elemanlarinin, ogretim surecinde yasadiklari sorunlarin ve bu sorunlara iliskin cozum onerilerinin belirlenmesi amaclanmaktadir. Bu amacla ogretim elemanlarinin uluslararasi ogrenciler baglaminda okuma, yazma, dinleme ve konusma becerilerinin ogretiminde, olcme ve degerlendirme, sinif ici iletisim, davranis yonetimi ve ilgili diger konulardaki sorunlari tespit etmek ve bu sorunlara iliskin cozum onerilerini belirlemek icin, bir devlet universitesinin yabanci diller yuksekokulunda gorev yapan ve olcut ornekleme yontemine gore belirlenmis 26 ogretim elemanindan veri toplanmistir. Nitel, betimsel bir durum calismasi olarak desenlenen bu arastirmada veri toplama araci olarak arastirma amaclarina dayali olarak alti sorudan olusan bir yari yapilandirilmis gorusme formu kullanilmistir. Elde edilen veriler betimsel analiz yontemiyle analiz edilmis ve dogrudan alintilarla desteklenerek sunulmustur. Arastirma bulgularina gore ogretim elemanlarinin en cok sorun yasadiklari alanlar sirasiyla yazma becerisi, konusma becerisi, olcme ve degerlendirme, sinif yonetimi, okuma becerisi ve dinleme becerisidir. Ek olarak, alfabe farkliliklarindan kaynaklanan sorunlar, telaffuz sorunlari, derslerde anadil kullanimi, sinav uygulama sorunlari, disiplin sorunlari ve devamsizlik sorunlari one cikan alt sorun alanlaridir. Diger yandan, ogretim elamanlari sorunlarin cozumu icin pratige donuk oneriler de gelistirmislerdir. Arastirma sonuclarinin yuksekogretimde son donemde gerceklesen hizli uluslararasilasma surecinin en onemli paydaslarindan birisi olan ve alanyazinda ihmal edilen ogretim elemanlarinin goruslerini ortaya koyarak uygulama pratiklerinin gelistirilmesi icin katki saglamasi beklenmektedir.
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