Five new species AnD THRee new RecORDs OF Burmeistera (cAmp AnulAceAe-lObeliOiDeAe) FROm cOlOmbiA cinco especies nuevas y tres nuevos registros de Burmeistera (campanulaceae- lobelioideae) para colombia

Five new species of Colombian Burmeistera are described and illustrated and their relationships with other species from Colombia, Central America, Venezuela, and Ecuador are discussed. Three of the newly described species are from the Western Cordillera, one from the Central Cordillera and one is restricted to the northern part of the Eastern Cordillera. Along with the descriptions of these new species, we record the presence of B. formosa, B. smaragdi, and B. venezuelensis for the first time in Colombia. Some guidelines to collect Burmeistera specimens are also included to preserve distinctive traits that are often lost once they have been pressed and dried.
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