A note on the grapevine cultivation in Solapur District of Maharashtra.

Apart from fruit crops, grapevine is one of the main fruit crops of cropping pattern of Solapur District. In Solapur District, the main fruit crops are pomegranate, ber and grapevine and their production has been rising over the past few years. Recently, grapevine has been introduce in the district and is gaining properly amongst farmers. In 1980-81, it was introduce launching a programme for its production, but during that period the results were not encouraging. But after the development of new varieties, Solapur District has achieved a major break-through in production and productivity of grapevine. However, present time grape is produce for raisin, wine and table grapes. It is depend on physical environment and farmers attitude. District’s grape are export to North India and European and American market. So in the present research paper, the major objective is to understand the growth and spatial distribution of grapevine. For these, 1987 to 2007 the twenty years period are selected to understand the growth and spatial distribution. Keywordspatio-temporal, Growth Rate, ranking variety, Introduction Recently few years, especially 1990 the Solapur District is grape producer and exporter in Maharashtra state. After 1995/96, the grape share is large in exporting among all fruit crops in Solapur District. Grape is very sensitive climate fruit crop and it needs large capital for plantation. However, the common farmers trend to increase the grape plantation on large scale. Therefore, it is essential to understand the spatio-temporal change in grape plantation. Grapevine is basically a cold tropical fruit crop. It originated from Aremebia near Caspian sea in Russia and it spread from Afghanistan, Iran and Europe. Then it comes to India from Afghanistan and Iran in 1300 A D. India, there are 1000 varieties of grapevine. Nevertheless, very few varieties are planted to be used for table grapes, wine, raisin and juice. Of these 77 to 80 percent are used for fresh eating, 2 percent for export, 17 to 20 percent for raisin and 1.5 percent for juice and only 0.5 percent used for wine. Solapur district has adopted grapevine cultivation on trial in1960. The development of grapevine cultivation took place from 1980.The progressive grape growers of the region have innovated some new varieties like Tas-A-Ganesh, Manikchaman, and Sonaka by selection method from Thompson Seedless. Temporal development of grapevine cultivation in this area is the testimony of the gallant, innovative and industrious farmers. The semiarid climate of the zone promoted the development of grapevine cultivation. During the last decade , Solapur district has attained a significant position in respect of area under grapevine production and quality of grapes. Grapevine cultivation has established credibility in providing productivity of land ,generating employment opportunities ,improving socioeconomic conditions of grape growers, changing export potential and above all providing nutritional security. So this crop and region are selected for present research paper. For these, twenty years (1987 to 2007) period are selected to study the spatio-temporal changes in grape cultivation. Objectives The major object of this paper is to analyze the spatio-temporal changes in grape cultivation in Solapur district. An attempt is made here to examine, analyze and to map the major grape varieties, area and production growth rate. Study Area The present study deals with the geographical perspectives of the agriculture in Solapur district. The Solapur district is bounded by 17o05’ North latitudes to 18o 32’ North latitudes and 74o 42’ East of 76o 15’ East longitudes. The total geographical area of Solapur district is 148952 K.m. divided into eleven tahsils. All tahsils are selected for the present study. (Fig No 1 ) Database Present study mostly relies on the secondary data collected through Agriculture Department and District statistical Department of Solapur, Maharashtra Drakshya Bagayatdar Sangh Solapur and District socio-economic abstract of Solapur District. Methodology For the present investigation, District is selected as in general and tahsils in particular. Firstly, the tahsilwise grape area is collected during investigation period (1987 to 2007). The statistical equation is used to understand growth rate. The Figers and district maps are used for comparative study of spatial distribution (Fig. 1-). Explanation The social and economical status of farmers increased after growing grape area because Grape is cash crop. Expecting grape, jowar, bajara, sugarcane, ber, pomegranate are A note on the Grapevine cultivation in Solapur District of Maharashtra Journal of Horticulture Letters, ISSN: 0976–9943 & E-ISSN: 0976–9951, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2010 2 practiced in the district. But all the crops depend on rainfall and pomegranate crop affected telya disease. At that time grape is well alternative cash crop of farmers. Temporal Growth of Grapevine Cultivation The area and plantation of grapevine and its growth ratio is of immense importance. It reflects the spatial dimension of this particular crop controlled by a number of variables like physical and nonphysical determinants. The area and plantation of grapevine increased from year to year in the study region and this growth rate is measured by the following equation:-
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