Computational phantoms, ICRP/ICRU, and further developments:

Phantoms simulating the human body play a central role in radiation dosimetry. The first computational body phantoms were based upon mathematical expressions describing idealised body organs. With the advent of more powerful computers in the 1980s, voxel phantoms have been developed. Being based on three-dimensional images of individuals, they offer a more realistic anatomy. Hence, the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) decided to construct voxel phantoms representative of the adult Reference Male and Reference Female for the update of organ dose coefficients. Further work on phantom development has focused on phantoms that combine the realism of patient-based voxel phantoms with the flexibility of mathematical phantoms, so-called ‘boundary representation’ (BREP) phantoms. This phantom type has been chosen for the ICRP family of paediatric reference phantoms. Due to the limited voxel resolution of the adult reference computational phantoms, smaller tissues, such as the lens of the ...
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