Lokalni identitet i socijalna kohezija u pograničnom području Hrvatskog zagorja

Evolucijom teorije države, teritorija i granice iz modernog poimanja u postmoderno, u smislu erozije suvereniteta, deteritorijalizacije i globalizacije, pojavljuje se pojam pogranicnih podrucja ( borderlands ). Taj se pojam odnosi na pogranicne regije unutar vise država i njihovu međusobnu suradnju. Cesto je na takav nacin u literaturi posebno naglasen prostorni koncept granice. Postojanje lokalnog identiteta i njegovo rangiranje, ukoliko je clanovima zajednice primjerice važniji od nacionalnog, nerijetko može proizvesti drustvene strukture koje su razlicite od dominantnih u tom drustvu, sto pak može imati za posljedicu razlicite gospodarske, gravitacijske pa i politicke orijentacije te zajednice. Upravo zato su pogranicne zajednice specificne. Tijekom povijesti gradile su posebne drustvene odnose s državom s kojom granice i stvarale tradiciju koja se danas cesto ne podudara s nacionalnom percepcijom o toj državi. Ideja ovog rada je postaviti okvir za istraživanje najvažnijih odrednica lokalnog identiteta, dovesti ga u vezu s drustvenom kohezijom i povezati ga sa sociopolitickim odnosima konkretne zajednice na podrucju Hrvatskog zagorja. S obzirom da je promjena koncepta geopolitickog pojma granice u postmodernom svijetu nastupila u okviru trokuta odnosa prostor – moc – stanovnistvo, jedino je interdisciplinarnim istraživanjem moguce istražiti ovaj fenomen u njegovu ukupnom obujmu. Ovaj rad analizira mogucnosti i modalitete istraživanja drustvenih identiteta i istražuje socijalnu koheziju u pogranicnom dijelu Hrvatskog zagorja, s hrvatske strane hrvatsko-slovenske granice. Kombinacijom kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih istraživackih metoda, u radu ce biti argumentirano kako istraživano geografsko podrucje posjeduje socijalnu koheziju i razinu identiteta koja ga cini pogranicnom zajednicom. (IN ENGLISH: The evolution of modern concepts of the state based on territory and borders into postmodern theories centring on the erosion of sovereignty, de- territorialisation and globalization has produced the concept of “borderlands”. The concept refers to border regions between states and their cooperation. In academic literature, the emphasis is often on the spatial concept of borders. Local identities and how they are ranked by the members of those communities in comparison with national identities frequently lead to the production of social structures that differ from those dominant in the society. They can even lead to different economic tendencies and political orientations within that community. This is precisely why borderland communities are specific. In the course of history they have built particular social relations with the states on whose borders they are situated and have created traditions that often no longer coincide with the state’s national perception of itself today. The aim of this article is to set a frame for the investigation of the most prominent elements of local identity, connect them with the question of social cohesion and with the socio-political relations of a specific community in the region of Croatian Zagorje. Taking into account the postmodern shift in the concept of the geopolitical idea of borders into a triangle of relations: space – power – population, the sole way to study this phenomenon in its entire scope is through an interdisciplinary approach. The study analyses the prospects and methods of exploring social identities and investigates social cohesion in the borderland area of Croatian Zagorje from the Croatian side of the Croatian-Slovenian border. By drawing on a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods, the article intends to show how social cohesion and various levels of identity characterize the studied geographical area as a borderland community.)
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