Reactivation of coeliac disease after third pregnancy

Abstract Coeliac disease is a common autoimmune disorder that can be seen in genetically susceptible people with exposure to gluten proteins. This report describes a case of a 27-year-old woman who was diagnosed as coeliac disease at 2 years old and was on a gluten-free diet until 15 years old. She remained symptom-free without gluten-free diet for 12 years during which she experienced two problem-free pregnancies. One month after she gave birth to her child after third pregnancy, coeliac disease recurred. Coeliac disease must be taken into consideration, in the period after birth in patients with diarrhea, fatigue and abdominal pain. Keywords: Coeliac Disease, pregnancy, gluten-free diet Ozet Colyak hastaligi, genetik olarak yatkin kisilerde, gluten proteinine maruz kalindiginda gorulebilen yaygin otoimmun bir hastaliktir. Olgumuz 2 yasinda Colyak hastaligi tanisi almis, 15 yasina kadar glutensiz diyet uygulamis, 27 yasinda bayan hastadir. Olgumuz 12 yil boyunca glutensiz diyet yapmadan, semptomsuz ve problemsiz iki gebelik gecirmistir. Ucuncu gebeligi takiben dogumdan 1 ay sonra Colyak hastaligi nuksetmistir. Colyak hastaligi, dogumdan sonraki donemde, diyare, yorgunluk ve karin agrisi olan hastalarda mutlaka goz onunde bulundurulmalidir. Anahtar sozcukler: Colyak hastaligi, gebelik, glutensiz diyet
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