Pneumatic dilation in patients with achalasia with a modified Gruntzig dilator (Levine) under direct endoscopic control: results after 5 years.

From 1985 to 1990, 62 patients have undergone pneumatic dilatation with the modified Gruntzig (Levine) dilator in the treatment of achalasia. A single dilatation with a 30-mm balloon dilator was successful in 85% of the patients. Nine patients required additional procedures. One elected for operative surgical repair, and eight patients underwent a second dilatation with a 35-mm balloon dilator. One patient required a third procedure with a 40-mm dilator. Two patients developed dysphagia for solids after pneumatic dilatation, and did not demonstrate delay or obstruction to the passage of technetium on follow up study. We have described this syndrome as dysfunctional dysphagia, and believe that it is related to the rapid ingestion of a food bolus, and is relieved by eating smaller portions at a slower rate. This is to be differentiated from reflux esophagitis and/or stricture secondary to reflux. One patient required bougie dilatation of a stricture, and three other patients were treated with omeprazole, ranitidine, or antacids with relief of reflux symptoms. The safety and efficacy of the procedure of pneumatic dilatation under direct endoscopic control with the modified Gruntzig dilator has been demonstrated in patients from 8 to 93 yr old, and in patients who have had prior Heller myotomy.
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