[Nasal provocation test with hyperosmolar solutions: normal values].

: Hyperosmolar solutions have recently been introduced as test-substances in the nasal provocation of vasomotor rhinitis subjects. In order to establish a norm, the test was carried out in 40 subjects without nasal pathologies, stimulating with solutions at increasing level of concentrations of NaCl (0.9% - 1.8 - 3.6% - 5.4% - 7.2% - 9%). In all subjects an increase in nasal secretion was verified in proportion to the concentration of the solutions and this increase was statistically significative, with respect to the base, from the concentration 3.6% (p less than 0.001) on words. The statistical analysis has not, however, evidenced any significant differences in secretion between male or female subjects. As far as the variation of nasal resistance is concerned, the rhinomanometric registration has revealed that the hypertonic solutions modify such resistances in a rather casual, absolutely irregular and unimportant way. These results lead to believe that the test is extremely useful in the study of the secretion component of vasomotor rhinopathy.
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