Focal Points,Key points and Countermeasures of Scientific Development and Acceleration of the Transformation of Economic Development during the "12th Five-Year Plan"

The theme of "The 12th Five-Year Plan" is scientific development,and the main line is the speeding-up of the transformation of economic development.During "The 12th Five-Year Plan",the focal points are to carry out the strategic adjustment of the economic structure,ensure and improve people′s livelihood,adhere to reform and expand opening-up.The key points are how to propel the consumption,investment and export to keep pace with one another,how to ensure that the income distribution gap at present stage is not too great,and how to tackle the main problems and contradictions in the development of national economy.The key countermeasures are to further modify and update conventional manufacturing industries,energetically foster and develop strategic new industries,give precedence to employment,strengthen and benefit agriculture,stick to and perfect basic economic systems,propel administrative system reform,and deepen monetary system reform.
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