Evaluation of Aquaculture System Sustainability: A Methodology and Comparative Approaches

Over the last 30 years, aquaculture has experienced an unprecedented development in global animal production with an average yearly growth rate of over 10% between 1980 and 2000 (FAO, 2009). During the same period, capture fisheries saw their progression gradually grind to a standstill and growth stopped from 1995 (total catch fluctuating between 90 and 95 Mt/year according to the year). The growth of aquaculture, despite its benefits and the fact that it is the only way to meet the increase in demand for sea products, evaluated at 270Mt in 2050 (Chevassus au Louis et Lazard, 2009; Wijkstrom, 2003), raises a certain number of issues directly related to its sustainable development. Amongst these are issues related to feed for the farmed organisms, to their biological diversity, to the farms’ economic sustainability, to the impact of aquaculture development on social equity and to the set of arrangements constituting the sector’s governance. Feed, for example, is currently the subject of significant controversy as shown by the emblematic article of Naylor et al. (2000) that exposes the impact on catches of the massive use of fish meal and fish oil in fish and prawn aquaculture and advocates the return to sparser aquaculture systems, directly inspired by traditional Asian systems which use more extensive techniques based on polyculture and fertilisation and where artificial feed is only seen as a potential supplement. This diagnosis, although interesting as it generated much debate, was, however, incomplete and, in fact, inaccurate: by focusing on a single criterion and a single dimension (environmental) of sustainability, the authors were led to make proposals that had no chance of being adopted by the actors. De facto, farming systems have continued to intensify and this has led to a sustained increase in the use of
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