Terapia expressiva: veículo de cuidado integral num hospital universitário

We characterize Expressive Therapy as an instrument to Integral Care, and we relate the expe¬rience of the Program of Expressive Therapy in the University Hospital Antonio Pedro (HUAP), at the Flu¬minense Federal University (UFF). To contribute to humanization and integrality of care; to develop Self¬-Care among health professionals; to improve the quality of care, remodeling concepts of disease; to contribute to health and culture education in UFF; to join evidences about the efficacy of Expressive Thera¬py. The program includes diverse actions: the Course “Self-caring with Art”, for health professionals; “Infu¬sion of Life” – collective sections of Expressive Therapy during chemotherapy, in the Oncologic Service (NAO); “Waiting Time” – interventions in the waiting room of the same service, to patients, their relatives and caregivers; “HUAP dances” – open circles of Sacred Circle Dance at the entrance hall of the hospital; “Seeing and being seen” – production of videos for disclosure of the program; annual meetings for exchan¬ging experience. The interdisciplinary team includes teachers, students from different areas and voluntary therapists, under the leadership of the supervisor – a medical doctor, artist and a master in Expressive Therapy. The program integrates education, research and assistance, under a compassionate and emanci¬patory ethics. After one year and a half the program has achieved results above all expectations: a broad acceptance by patients and staff, who relate an improvement in the quality of care. The results of the resear¬ches will be soon published. There are prospects of extension of the program to other services.
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