Cancer care at hospital in France, 1999: a quantitative analysis of medical activity and associated costs

The volume of hospitalization care for cancer is hardly measured ; this, in particular, because there are various structures assuming those responsibilities and heterogeneous information systems. The objective of this study is to present a model of precise algorithm of selection of hospital stays for cancers from French National databases of hospital discharges, and its results for 1999. Cancer stays are selected firstly, according to the presence of a tumor diagnosis code. Then, a refine in/out sort is done, based on a precise criteria grid issued from an expert group. A financial valorisation of hospital activity is realised from national cost weight scale. On the whole, the 1999 cancer database contains 5,428,518 inpatients and outpatients stays. Cancer weight 15.8 % of the whole hospitalization care activity, and costs around _6.04 billion. Surgery is the first expense with _2,100 millions, then chemotherapy with _1 135 millions and radiotherapy with _670 millions. Digestive tumors represent about 26 % of total cost, tumors of the respiratory system and breast tumor 11 % each. A work of validation of this algorithm is being realized on a sample of care providers.
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