Projeto Hemiplegia - Um modelo de fisioterapia em grupo para hemiplégicos crônicos Project Hemiplegia - A model of group physical therapy of chronic hemiplegic patients

Objetivo: Este trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar os pacientes e as atividades realizadas no Projeto Hemiplegia, que consiste em encontros de portadores de hemiplegia para realizacao de fisioterapia em grupo. Metodo: A caracterizacao dos pacientes foi feita por meio da analise de seus prontuarios e da aplicacao da Escala de Equilibrio de Berg (EEB), e a descricao do projeto pela analise da filmagem de 18 sessoes do projeto. Resultados: Dos pacientes analisados 15 pertenciam ao sexo masculino e 4 ao feminino, com idade media de 59,63 ± 11,1 anos. O tempo medio de sequela pos-AVC foi de 5,17 ± 3,92 anos. As medias alcancadas nas avaliacoes da EEB foram 43,00 ± 10,48 pontos na 1a avaliacao e 44,95 ± 9,69 pontos na 2a avaliacao. A analise comparativa entre as duas avaliacoes determinou que houve diferenca estatistica significativa entre elas (p<0,05). A conduta fisioterapeutica caracteriza-se pela utilizacao de exercicios ativos, alongamentos, exercicios de equilibrio e coordenacao e atividades ludicas. Conclusao: O Projeto Hemiplegia demonstra que a terapia em grupo pode ser uma boa opcao terapeutica capaz de impedir complicacoes que possam determinar uma maior deterioracao da capacidade funcional e da dependencia, tambem garante a manutencao ou melhora do equilibrio, melhorando assim a qualidade de vida desses pacientes. Hemiplegia; Acidente Vascular Cerebral; Fisioterapia; Qualidade de Vida. Objective: The aim of this study was to characterize the patients and the physical activities performed in the Hemiplegia Project. This project consisted of a group of hemiplegic patients that get together to perform group physical therapy. Method: The profile of the patients was made through the analysis of their medical records and the use of Berg balance scale. The outline of the project was made by analyzing the recording images of 18 sessions of the program. Results: Of the 19 patients enrolled, 15 were male and 4 female. Mean age was 59.63 ± 11.1 years. The median known duration of sequela after a stroke (CVA) was 5.17 ± 3.92 years. The average scores reached in the BBS evaluations were 43.00 ± 10.48 points in 1 st evaluation and 44.95 ± 9.69 points in 2 nd evaluation. A comparative analysis was performed to test differences between the two evaluations. There were no significant statistical differences between the two evaluations (p £ 0.05). The average time of sequel after AVC was 5.17 ± 3.92 years. The physical therapy session is characterized for the use of active exercises, stretching, equilibrium and motor coordination exercises, and playful activities. Conclusion: The Hemiplegia Project demonstrates that the group therapy can be a good therapeutical option to prevent complications that may determine a much large deterioration of the functional capacity and the dependence. Also the group therapy assures the maintenance of the equilibrium or improves it, thus improving the quality of life of these patients.
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