Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Persons Diagnosed with Primary and Secondary Syphilis Who Reported High-Risk Substance Use: Data from the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System, 2018.

BACKGROUND Recent increases in high-risk substance use (HRSU) (i.e., injection drug use, heroin, methamphetamine, crack/cocaine) have coincided with rising primary and secondary (PS sex while intoxicated and/or high on drugs; sex with a person who injects drugs (PWID); sex with an anonymous partner; and number of sex partners. We describe percentages and adjusted prevalence ratios for women, MSW and MSM reporting these behaviors by age, race/Hispanic ethnicity, type of drug used, and incarceration history (both in past 12 months). RESULTS Among 19,634 persons diagnosed with PS MSW aPR, 1.38 (95% CI, 1.31-1.46); and MSM aPR, 1.30 (95% CI, 1.26-1.34). CONCLUSIONS Collaborative partnerships across the US public health system could help address barriers to timely clinical care among persons diagnosed with P&S syphilis who report HRSU.
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