Mixing properties of Al2O3(0001)-supported M2O3 and MM'O3 monolayers (M, M'=Ti, V, Cr, Fe).

Considering the importance of sub-monolayer transition metal oxides supported on another oxide in many industrial processes, with the help of a DFT+U approach, we provide information on the structural and electronic properties of pure M2O3 and mixed MM'O3 3d monolayers (M, M' = Ti, V, Cr, Fe) supported on an alpha-Al2O3(0001) support. With their structure in the prolongation of the alumina corundum lattice, the monolayers have non-equivalent surface and interface cations, which leads to two different cation configurations in the mixed oxides. In all cases, the interfacial charge transfer is weak, but strong cation-cation electron redistributions may take place as in TiVO3, TiFeO3, VFeO3, and TiCrO3 in which actual redox processes lead to oxidation states different from the expected +3 value. We show that the tendency to mixing relies on the interplay between two very different driving forces. Cation-cation redox reactions, in most cases, strongly stabilise mixed configurations, but preference for a given cation position in the monolayer because of surface energy reasons may strengthen, weaken or even block the mixing tendency. By comparison with results obtained in bulk ilmenite, in free-standing monolayers and in MLs deposited on transition metal substrates, we evidence the flexibility of their electronic structure as a function of size, dimensionality and nature of support, as a lever to tune their properties for specfic applications.
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