The analysis of factors associated with presence of depression symptoms among students of Faculty of Physiotherapy at Academy of Physical Education in Wrocław

Aim: the aim of the work was an identifi cation of factors accompanying depression disorders in examined population of students of Faculty of Physiotherapy as well as an interpretation of obtained results in the light of existing theories regarding the mechanisms of depression development and its maintenance Methods: 483 people participated in the research, 296 students of stationary system and 187 non-stationary system (evening and non-resident). In order to evaluate the mood disorders Beck Depression Inventory was applied – BDI, in addition the examined students fi lled in a questionnaire regarding their socioeconomic conditions, satisfaction with chosen faculty of studies and future plans. The analysis of results was conducted in two variations: for years I-III (n = 241) and IV-V (n = 242). Results: the factors accompanying mood disorders in examined group are: dissatisfaction with chosen faculty of studies, bad fi nancial situation, lack of close person, the feeling of bad preparation to perform studied profession and low physical activity. Findings: conducted analysis shows that depression is a multiaspect phenomenon where overlap on each other the intrapsychical, social and biological components.
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