Expansion of Asian Eye Genetics Consortium (AEGC) to Global Eye Genetics Consortium (GEGC), Introduction of a Global Phenotype-Genotype Database “GenEye” and Launch of New Training Programs at National Eye Institute (NEI)

The Asian Eye Genetics Consortium (AGEC) established in 2014 brought collective thinking and ideas of the Asian and non-Asian researchers who have an interest in genetic eye research. As the consortium grew, requests to join the consortium from outside of Asia were increasing. During the AGEC meeting at ARVO 2018 in Honolulu, USA, the members unanimously voted to expand the consortium activities beyond Asia and explore unique phenotype and genotype populations in the rest of the world, particularly in Africa and South America. The consortium was renamed the Global Eye Genetics Consortium (GEGC, https://gegc.org) by the general membership. The consortium aims were adjusted and the new GEGC phenotype-genotype database GenEye (https://geneye.kankakuki.jp) was constructed to collect and catalog genetic eye diseases at global scale. GEGC membership has grown to over 200 from five continents, performing GEGC meetings and sessions during ARVO, AIOS, APAO, WOC, and ISER meetings. A number of scientific collaboration and young investigator visiting programs have been successfully launched over the past 6 years.
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