Picric Acid: Can it be Useful in the Decalcification of Pericardial Biomaterials?

B AC K G R O U N D The calcification of pericardial bioprosthetic biomaterials is a clinical concern. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a decalcifying agent, picric acid, on decalcification in bovine pericardial tissue. M ET H O D S Bovine pericardium, cut into 1 cm2 pieces were transferred into +4°C phosphate buffered saline solution containing 0.625% glutaraldehyde for initial fixation, then allocated into two groups. Group I received identical treatment in refreshed solution for five more days. Group II underwent further fixation in phosphate buffered saline + 2% picric acid solution (pH=7.4, 37°C) for a period of 48 h and then transferred into a fresh phosphate buffered saline + 0.625% glutaraldehyde solution at 37°C for three more days. Pericardial patches were implanted into dorsal pouches of 20 juvenile male Wistar rats for 42 days. R E S U LT S Group II demonstrated a decrease in calcification (130±25.3 μg/mg of tissue). Value estimated in Group I was 262.4±51.5 μg/mg of tissue (p=0.000). Histopathologic evaluation revealed higher calcification in group I than in group II (p=0.023). CO N C L U S I O N S Picric acid, once being a destructive explosive, might be a constructive component by decalcifying prosthetic heart valve materials.
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