Los perros de refugio estan sometidos a una serie de eventos estresantes y suelen presentar alteraciones del comportamiento. El presente trabajo evalua respuestas de miedo y de contacto social en perros adultos de un refugio en una situacion de interaccion con un humano desconocido. El test consistio en tres fases continuas de 3 minutos cada una: Exposicion al ambiente, Experimentador pasivo y Experimentador activo. Se realizo un muestreo instantaneo de conducta cada 5 y 10 segundos y registro continuo. Las categorias de conductas medidas fueron: Distancia del experimentador, posturas y otras conductas. Los perros de refugio fueron divididos en tres grupos segun el grado de temerosidad: alta, TA, (N = 7); media TM, (N = 6) baja, TB (N = 7). Los perros de familia integraban un cuarto grupo: PF (N = 6). Los perros del grupo TB a pesar de tener conductas de miedo permanecieron mas tiempo cerca del experimentador buscando contacto fisico que los PF. Esto sugiere que la privacion social incrementa la busqueda de contacto con el ser humano aun en presencia de miedo. Se observo un grupo de perros (TA) que presentan un temor mayor y evitan el contacto social. Esto podria deberse a la historia del sujeto y a exposiciones aversivas con humanos. Palabras clave Perros Comunicacion Sociabilidad Refugio ABSTRACT INTERSPECIFIC COMMUNICATIVE SKILLS AND SOCIABILITY IN SHELTER DOGS (CANIS FAMILIARIS) Shelter dogs are submitted to a series of stressful events and present alterations of the behavior frequently. The present work evaluates answers of fear and social contact in adult dogs of a shelter, in a situation of interaction with an unknown human being. The test consisted of three continuous phases of 3 minutes each one: Exhibition to the environment, Passive experimenter and Active experimenter. An instantaneous sampling of behaviour was realized every 5 and 10 seconds and continuous record. The behavioural categories measured were: Distance of the experimenter, Postures and Other behaviours. The shelter dogs were divided in three groups according to the degree of fearfulness: high, TA, (N = 7); average TM, (N = 6) low, TB (N = 7). The family dogs integrated a fourth group: PF (N = 6). TB group in spite of showing fear behaviour, remained more time near the experimenter looking for physical contact than the PF group. This suggests that the social deprivation increases the search of contact with the human being even in presence of fear. TA group showed fear and avoid the social contact. This might be owe to the history of the subjects and to aversive exposures with human beings. Key words Dogs Communication Sociability Shelter
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