Tumor fibroso solitario de la pleura: Descripción clínico quirúrgica de 10 casos

Palabras clave: Tumores fi brosos solitarios, mesotelioma, celulas submesoteliales, complicaciones, tiempo de supervivencia. ABSTRACT. Objective: To describe clinical features and surgical treatment results in patients with solitary fi brous tumor (SFT) of the pleura. Patients and methods: Retrospective, descriptive study, with data obtained from a prospective data base of 10 patients with SFT treated betwen January 1995 and December 2013. We studied demographic (age, sex), and tumor characteristics (size, pleura of origin, surgical technique employed, diagnostic, surgical morbidity and survival. Results: Six patients were females and 4 males. Age ranged betwen 34 and 71 years old (median, 62 years). Six tumors affected left hemithorax and 8 originated in the visceral pleural. Tumor size ranged betwen 5 and 29 cm (median, 11 cm). There were 8 benign tumors, 1 malignant and 1 with potentiality for local recurrence. Two patients developed com- plications: one tracheobronchitis and respiratory failure and one wound infection and dehiscence. Patients were followed betwen 6 and 143 months (median, 48.5 months). There were not postoperative deaths. Conclusions: Solitary fi brous tumor of the pleura is a rare neoplasm, which has a biological behavior of diffi cult prediction. With surgical resection is possible to reach acceptable complications and mortality rates, and satisfactory survival rates, even in cases of local recurrence.
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