Relation between the precordial projection of S-T segment changes after exercise and coronary angiographic findings

Abstract The recent introduction of electrocardiographic mapping permits measurement of the precordial area and severity of exercise-induced S-T segment changes. This study was designed to compare this technique with a modified 12 lead electrocardiogram in defining the degree and site of coronary artery disease. One hundred patients, who later had diagnostic coronary arteriography, underwent an exercise test using both 16 point precordial mapping and a modified 12 lead electrocardiogram. The sensitivity of electrocardiographic mapping (96 percent) for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease was significantly greater than that of the modified 12 lead electrocardiogram (80 percent). However, the specificity of the two lead systems was similar. Typical precordial projections of S-T segment change were found when the left main stem or proximal left anterior descending coronary artery were narrowed or when there was isolated disease of the left anterior descending or right coronary artery. Widespread precordial changes were found in patients with three vessel disease. Although there was no significant difference in the sensitivity (66 percent) and specificity (100 percent) of electrocardiographic mapping and of the 12 lead system in identifying three vessel disease, there was a significant difference in sensitivity (electrocardiographic mapping 74 percent, 12 lead system 42 percent) in identifying isolated single vessel disease. In addition, information regarding the presence of left main stem or proximal left anterior descending coronary arterial narrowing was obtained only with electrocardiographic mapping. The superiority of electrocardiographic mapping over the modified 12 lead electrocardiogram has been shown, and clinical application of this technique should be useful in the management of patients presenting with chest pain.
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