Miracle Workers—A Round of Much Deserved Applause for the T-ED and EDL Staff

As global interest continues to increase in electron devices and the many derivative technologies that relate to sustaining the growth trends of the information and communications revolutions, the numbers of papers submitted to T-ED and EDL have continued to rise rapidly. In 2011, 1350 manuscripts were submitted to T-ED, and 2291 were submitted to EDL. Despite these huge numbers of papers to deal with, through reviewer assignment, revisions, and hopefully eventual publication, the average paper cycle times (the time from your submission to the time that your final paper appears on IEEE XPLORE) are roughly 4.5 months for T-ED and 2.4 months for EDL, numbers which are virtually without precedent across IEEE and something that we can all be very proud of. This remarkable result is no coincidence. Rather, it is a consequence of a great deal of hard work and behind-the-scene action by two sets of key individuals: 1) the T-ED and EDL Editorial Boards and the many reviewers among you that help with that invaluable process and 2) the wonderful support staff at EDS headquarters. In our opinion, it is high time that the EDS community learned a little more about these "miracle workers" that support T-ED and EDL.
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