Evolución de los regímenes de bienestar (1980-2010): modelos bismarckianos y beveridgeanos según perfil de financiamiento y gasto en protección social

The article presents a classification of the OECD countries, describing their social protection spending structure according to three axes: public spending as a percentage of GDP, public and private spending as a percentage of the total, and predominance of financing by taxes or contributions on salary in the period 1980-2010. The results provide elements to the debate on classification of countries in welfare regimes, identifying three distinct groups in the Beveridgean family (Social Democratic, Classical Liberal and Moder-ate Liberal) and four in the Bismarckian (Conservative, Conservative-Liberal, Productivist and Eastern European). The model allows to identify as a regime in itself combinations of characteristics of difficult classification in previous typologies as well to analyze the trajectories of change at the level of groups and countries
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