One-dimensional itinerant interacting non-Abelian anyons

We construct models of interacting itinerant non-Abelian anyons moving along one-dimensional chains. We focus on itinerant Ising (Majorana) and Fibonacci anyons, which are, respectively, related to SU(2)_2 and SU(2)_3 anyons and also, respectively, describe quasiparticles of the Moore-Read and Z_3-Read-Rezayi fractional quantum Hall states. Following the derivation of the electronic large-U effective Hubbard model, we derive effective anyonic t-J models for the low-energy sectors. Solving these models by exact diagonalization, we find a fractionalization of the anyons into charge and (neutral) anyonic degrees of freedom -- a generalization of spin-charge separation of electrons which occurs in Luttinger liquids. A detailed description of the excitation spectrum can be performed by combining spectra for charge and anyonic sectors. The anyonic sector is the one of a squeezed chain of localized interacting anyons, and hence is described by the same conformal field theory (CFT), with central charge c=1/2 for Ising anyons and c=7/10 or c=4/5 for Fibonacci anyons with antiferromagnetic or ferromagnetic coupling, respectively. The charge sector is the spectrum of a chain of hardcore bosons subject to phase shifts which coincide with the momenta of the combined anyonic eigenstates, revealing a subtle coupling between charge and anyonic excitations at the microscopic level (which we also find to be present in Luttinger liquids), despite the macroscopic fractionalization. The combined central charge extracted from the entanglement entropy between segments of the chain is shown to be 1+c, where c is the central charge of the underlying CFT of the localized anyon (squeezed) chain.
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