Saussurea haizishanensis sp. nov. (Compositae, Cardueae) from Sichuan, China

Saussurea haizishanensis B. Q. Xiu, G. Hao & N. H. Xia sp. nov., a new species from Sichuan, China, belonging to Saussurea subg. Eriocoryne (DC.) Hook. f. sect. Cincta Lipsch., is described and illustrated. It is similar to S. delavayi , but diff ers in its narrowly elliptic, lanceolate or broadly lanceolate leaves, outer phyllaries that are broadly triangular with irregularly dentate margin, and densely yellowish stipitate glandular stem, leaf blades, and adaxial phyllaries. It is also similar to S. schlagintweitii , but diff ers in possessing numerous capitula and having adaxially glabrous petiole bases. Color plates, line drawings, a distribution map of S. haizishanensis , photographs of phyllaries and leaf blades, and SEM microphotographs of the adaxial surface of style arms, the leaf blades, the abaxial surface of phyllaries of S. haizishanensis and S. delavayi are provided.
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