Bir grup anatomi öğretim elemanının kadavra ve eğitimde kadavra kullanma hakkındaki görüşleri

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to evaluate the concept and perception of cadaver of anatomy instructors and to determine how they idealize the optimal student-cadaver relationship. METHODS: In order to determine the opinions of Turkish anatomy instructors, a data collection form including 18 statements was prepared and opened their online access. Participants were asked to express their adoption degree by giving a score between zero and ten for each statement. Data were evaluated by proportions and mean values and group comparisons were done by using Mann Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Data were analyzed using the statistical package SPSS v.11.5 for Windows. The p values less than 0.05 were regarded as significant. RESULTS: The participants were 80 instructors from 35 different medical faculties; 88.8% of them declared that they studied on cadavers during their undergraduate and 98.8% during their postgraduate education, and 83.8% of them declared that they perform anatomy teaching by utilizing cadavers. The view most strongly adopted by participants was that the human body alive or dead is substantial and respectable. The view least strongly adopted by participants was that 3D modeling and/or studying on anatomical models is superior than studying on cadavers. Organizing a ceremony to bury the cadaver is more strongly adopted by male participants (p=0.016). Accepting that cadaveric studies will be helpful to eliminate negative prejudice of students regarding death and dead human body, was more strongly adopted by associate professors (p=0.009). Accepting that cadaveric studies will contribute to the development of professional identity of students was adopted more by older participants (p=0.022). CONCLUSION: In the point of view of participants cadavers are valuable and respectable, and have humanistic and educational importance. Cadaveric studies may be considered as a facility of learning human anatomy and also gaining physician identity for medical students, therefore they must have respect for cadavers according to participants.
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