Metallic CarbonNanotube Interconnects, PartI:aFluid Modelanda3DIntegral Formulation

basedon phenomenological modelsthatyield somewhat Thispaperillustrates theinclusion, ina 3D integral approximate butanalytically tractable results. Forinstance, in formulation ofMaxwellequations, ofafluid modelforthe [9], a semiclassical approximation isusedtodescribe the study oftheelectrodynamics ofmetallic carbon nanotubes in interaction oftheelectrons with agiven electric field. thefrequency domain. Theeffective conduction electrons are Amongvarious phenomenological models, fluid models modeled as an infinitesimally thincylindrical layer of play animportant role thanks totheir simplicity andphysical compressible fluid, whosedynamics aredescribed bymeans intuition, nonetheless being able todescribe themainphysical ofthelinearized Euler's equation. Theresulting integral processofinterest. Amongpossible fluid models, applicable equations aresolvednumerically bythefinite elementtometallic carbon nanotubes, the simplest oneassumes that method, usingthefacetelements andthenull-pinv theconduction electrons formatwodimensional charged decomposition. Theproposed formulation isapplied tostudyfluid confined totheir cylindrical surfaces (e.g., [10]-[12]). carbon nanotubes interconnects. Inthispaper, theelectromagnetic behavior ofmetallic carbon nanotubes isstudied byusing alinearized fluid model
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