A comparative study of the efficacies of chloroquine and a pyrimethamine-dapsone combination in clearing

combination (Maloprim) in clearing P. fulcipurum parasitaemia was carried out in 77 asymptomatic semi-immune schoolchildren in the Kilombero District of Tanzania. Children were randomized to receive either chloroquine at a dose of 25 mg/kg over three days, or Maloprim (6.2s mg pyrimethaniine+so mg dapsone for children under LO years, and 12. j mg pyrimethamine+ TOO mg dapsone for children TO or more years old) as a single dose. Children were followed-up for malaria parasitaemia at days 2, 7 and 14 after screening, randomization and treatment. The slide positivity rate was lower in the Maloprim group at all cross-sectional surveys (23 us 37% at day 2; 9 us LO% at day 7; 21 us 32% at day 14) but none of these differences reached statistical significance. No cases in the Maloprim group showed RII resistance, whereas in the chloroquine group, z cases showed RII resistance and a further L cases RIII resistance (6%). No major side-effects were reported. The combination of pyrimethamine-dapsone appears to he a better choice than chloroquine as a chemoprophylactic regimen for malaria in this area. Although they need to be confirmed in a larger study, these results may be of interest to the policy-makers as well as researchers.
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