Phasor-Transform-Based Approach for EMT Model Modularization Applicable to Distribution Network Load Categories in Commercial Software Package

As there is no public information on the commercial software package module modularization algorithm and module modularization process may be needed in the user-defined model in electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulation especially with networks containing different types of loads in transmission and distribution network, a phasortransform-based approach for modularization of loads in EMT simulation applicable to both three-phase and single-phase power systems is developed in this work. In this approach, the real and reactive power derived from the load modelling process are considered as phasor, and the current of the load in phasor format as well as in instantaneous time-domain waveform format can be calculated. Then, an appropriate Norton equivalence is investigated and selected to refine the modularization process. Finally, the process will be tested with a voltage disturbance in both single-phase and three-phase power system which are equivalent from the real grid, and the modularization effect will be assessed. The work shows that the phasor-transform-based approach enables the modularization of modules of loads in transmission and distribution network in commercial software packages.
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