Plasma dynamics driven by finite‐width current filament and KV potential drops in ionosphere‐magnetosphere coupling

We have simulated the plasma dynamics of a quasi-two-dimensional current filament in ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling. The simulation consists of a set of one-dimensional flux tube simulations with different imposed time-dependent, field-aligned currents. The dynamical interactions of the individual current filaments with the ionospheric and magnetospheric plasma generate kV field-aligned potential drops along the field lines, and the side-by-side display exhibits the evolution of the implied potential structure in the horizontal direction. The primary cross-field motion produced by the horizontal E-field (E×B drift) is perpendicular to both of the significant spatial directions, and is thus ignorable in this geometry. The effects of other cross-field drift processes are discussed. The simulation thus provides insight into the dynamical evolution of 2D potential structures driven by an imposed finite-width field-aligned current profile. Spatial and temporal variation of other plasma parameters (temperatures, density, etc.) that are determined primarily by parallel transport effects are also displayed.
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