Compressional wave behavior with explosion of a cylindrical charge in a solid medium

1. Wave field parameters with supersonic detonation of a cylindrical PETP charge in Plexiglas have been measured. With the exception of the very near wave (R<1.6Ro), damping of the maximum particle velocity in a conical wave proceeds by an elastic rule. 2. It has been demonstrated that with supersonic detonation in Plexiglas the maximum particle velocity vector is perpendicular to the conical wave front, and in the case of c/D>0.71 the longitudinal component of the maximum particle velocity becomes greater than the radial component. In actual rocks, with any values of the ratio of sound velocity in the material to explosive detonation velocity, the movement has a preferred radial character. 3. It has been established that the empirical relationship\(U_{Rm} /\left( {\frac{\varepsilon }{{\rho c}}} \right) = 6.62 \cdot 10^{ - 3} \left( {R/\sqrt {q_e } } \right)^{ - 1} \) from [7] with a wide variation of physicomechanical material properties and charge parameters does not correspond to experimental data in a number of cases, both in relation to amplitude values of the maximum particle velocity and the intensity of its damping with distance. 4. A qualitative explanation is given for certain features of the material movement ahead of the front and damping of the maximum particle velocity with distance during supersonic detonation of a cylindrical charge.
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