The Appearance and Formation of Bukovyna Scientific Archaeological School (to the Centenary of B. O. Tymoschuk’s Birth)

A famous Ukrainian archaeologist, historian, local historian and popularizer of archaeological knowledge Borys Onysymovych Tymoshchuk would have turned 100 this year (1919-2019). Even more of his life and scientific creative activity was associated with Bukovyna and Chernivtsi. He started his scientific activity in the late 1940-ies as an archaeologist in the local regional museum. In the late 1960-ies, he started working at Chernivtsi State University and in 1970 continued his research activity in the Chernivtsi Department of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. During 1984-1997 he worked as leading research associate at the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (since 1992 – Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences). The discovery of most of the archaeological monuments in Bukovina was associated with B.O. Tymoshchuk’s name. A study of the early Slavonic antiquities of the Prague-Korchak and Luka-Rajky Cultures, as well as archaeological monuments of the epoch of Kyivan Rus and Galicia and Volyn Principality had a special place in his scientific activity. B.O. Tymoshchuk’s students and followers continue archaeological studies, conducted by him. The Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University holds scientific conferences in memory of B. O. Tymoshchuk. A memorial plate marks the house where the scientist used to live. By decision of the City Council one street in Chernivtsi has been named after him. In 2018 the Chernivtsi Regional Council awarded B. O. Tymoshchuk with the honorable badge of merit of Bukovina posthumously.
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