Medyanın reklam ve tüketim işlevinin din ile ilişkisi

Okuyucunun akademik perspektifle medya, reklam ve tuketim fonksiyonunundin ile olan iliskisini irdeleyecegi bir calisma olusturulmaya calisilmistir. Medya vedin iliskisi baglaminda medyanin din bilgisi, radyo, sinema, televizyon ve internet ileayrica sanal din, sanal dindarlik, falcilik ve Islamofobi gibi konularda dinin temsili ileilgili bilgilere yer verilmistir. Uzerinde durulan diger konu dinsel sembollerinreklamlarda nasil kullanildigi ve kullanilan sembollerin tuketiciler uzerindeki etkisininnasil oldugudur. Reklamlarda dinsel sembollerin kullanimi orneklerle anlatilmistir. Bucalisma “Din, bireylerin tuketici davranislarini nasil etkiler?” sorusunucevaplandirmaya calismaktadir. Calisma din hakkinda genel kavramlara aciklikgetirmekte ve bunlarin tuketimle olan iliskisi irdelenmektedir. Ayni zamanda din iletuketim arasindaki iliski incelendiginde iki kavram arasindaki zitliklar da belirgin birsekilde fark edilmektedir. Dini ogretilerden biri olan “Israf haramdir” ogretisi ilekapitalizmin “Surekli tuket” vurgusunun ters dustugu anlasilmaktadir.AbstractIt is aimed to create a study making readers examine the relation betweenreligion and media, advertising, consumption function from the viewpoint of anacademic perspective. In terms of the relation between media and religion, it isreferred to knowledge such as religion representation on religion knowledge, radio,cinema, internet and also virtual religion, virtual religiousness, fortunetelling andislamophobia. The other topic emphasised is how religious symbols are used onadvertising and how the effects of symbols used on advertising are on consumers Theuse of religious symbols on advertising have been mentioned with patterns. In thisstudy it is aimed to reply the question ''How does religion affect the attitudes ofconsumers?'' And also, this study has clarified the general notions relating religion andhas examined the relation between these notions and consumption. Besides, when therelation between consumption and religion is examined, it is prominently seen thatthere are certain contrasts between these two notions. It is concluded that the doctrine'waste is wrong' one of the religious doctrines, is contrary to the emphasis of capitalism''consume constantly'.
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