Collection and Analyses of Cerebrospinal Fluid for Pediatric Translational Research

Abstract Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample collection and analyses is imperative to better elucidate central nervous system injury and disease in children. Sample collection methods are varied and carry with them certain ethical and biological considerations, complications and contraindications. Establishing best practices for sample collection, processing, storage and transport will ensures optimal sample quality. CSF samples can be affected by a number of factors including subject age, sampling method, sampling location, volume extracted, fraction, blood contamination, storage methods and freeze/thaw cycles. Indicators of sample quality can be assessed though matrix associated laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry and include cystatin C fragments, oxidized proteins, prostaglandin D synthase, and evidence of blood contamination. Precise documentation of sample collection processes and the establishment of meticulous handling procedures are essential for the creation of clinically relevant bio-specimen repositories. In this review we discuss the ethical considerations and best practices for CSF collection, as well as the influence of pre-analytical factors on CSF analyses. CSF biomarkers in highly researched pediatric diseases/disorders are discussed.
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