Interference-Aware Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Computing System Approach Based on Fuzzy Formal Concepts Analysis

Cloud computing is a model that allows users to rent the services they want, in real time, and pay as they go. Thanks to virtualization, Cloud infrastructure exploitation will be easier and smoother because it offers many benefits to data center administrators and end users. The main goal of virtualization is to share the infrastructure between users with high isolation level, and to take advantages of their physical resources as much as possible. Fault of isolation, Cloud hypervisor doesn't have a great vision on the sharing and management of resources between virtual machines, hence a contention on shared resources will take place, it identifies by performance interference. In this paper, we study the effects of performance interference between Co-located VMs, we try to grasp the VMs that does not produce a lot of performance degradation based on the fuzzy formal concepts analysis(FFCA), with the aim of proposing a new virtual machine placement approach that first minimizes performance interference and communication costs, second maximizes and balances the use of cloud resources.
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