Redimensionamento do espaço e do tempo: a incerteza e os desafios da sociedade, da informação e do planejamento do marketing

This article aims to contextualize what postmodernity holds for society in terms of information and marketing planning. The information, which plays an essential role in development of marketing strategies, changes hand in hand with the environment. As such, if the environment is postmodern, the information will exhibit postmodern features as well. The way marketing works, including strategic planning, must be upgraded in order to operate in this current scenario. In an environment where time and space mean the here and now, we may well ask if planning is even possible. Technological changes have served to telescope both time and space, and this exerts impacts on how marketing exploits information. This paper therefore examines some of the features of this postmodern environment, contextualizing their impact on both marketing and information usage, concluding by offering perspectives on how to conceive of strategic planning of marketing and the use of information in this new context, which does not ignore uncertainty as a major feature of postmodernity.
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