Weak wave–tide interaction formulation and its application to Cádiz bay

Abstract Using a single-point, one-equation ( k – l ) model for an oscillatory turbulent bottom boundary layer (BBL) above a hydrodynamically rough bottom and varying the external determining parameters over a wide range, we show that nonlinear wave/low-frequency current interaction effects are smaller, the greater are the ratio of near-bottom wave orbital velocity amplitude to friction-free, low-frequency current velocity amplitude and the ratio between frequencies of wave and low-frequency components of motion. Specifically, in shallow waters the bottom stress oscillations with wave and tidal frequencies are, with fair accuracy, weakly correlated, thereby suggesting that wave-tide interaction is substantially weak interaction. A new weak wave–tide interaction formulation is proposed. It involves a relationship for the drag coefficient in a wave-affected tidal flow and the surface Rossby number dependences for the scaled wave and tidal friction velocity amplitudes inferred from the resistance law for an oscillatory turbulent BBL over a hydrodynamically rough surface. This formulation is implemented within a 2D nonlinear, finite-difference, high-resolution, hydrodynamic model and the modified model is applied to quantify the wave-induced changes in the tidal dynamics and energetics of Cadiz Bay. The model results reveal one unexpected feature in the fields of maximum tidal velocity and mean tidal energy flux. Namely, wave–tide interaction responsible for enhancing the mean bottom stress throughout the bay tends to increase the maximum tidal velocities and the mean tidal energy fluxes at deeper depths and to reduce them at shallower depths. The reason for appearing this feature is an overall amplification of the mean tidal energy transport into the bay from Gulf of Cadiz. Based on the sensitivity study to varying wave parameters, the wave-induced seasonal variability in the M 2 tidal characteristics is found to be not pronounced in Cadiz Bay. This, however, does not rule out a clearly defined manifestation of such a variability in other shallow basins and/or in other tidal frequency bands. Special attention is given to identify the regions of potential suspended sediment transport and their wave-induced changes.
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