The effects of different plant densities and nitrogen levels on certain macro and micro element contents of okra

Farkli bitki yogunlugu ve azot seviyelerinin bamyada bazi makro ve mikro element icerikleri uzerine etkileri OZET Farkli bitki yogunlugu ve azot seviyelerinin bamyada (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) mikro ve makro element iceriklerine etkilerinin arastirildigi calisma, Ege Universitesi Odemis Meslek Yuksekokulu ile Ege Universitesi Menemen Arastirma, Uygulama ve Uretim Ciftligi uygulama arazilerinde gerceklestirilmistir. Split-plot deneme desenine gore uc tekerrurlu olarak kurulmus, ana parselleri azot uygulamalari ve alt parselleri bitki yogunluklari olusturmustur. Azotlu gubreler ure ve amonyum nitrat formunda uygulanmistir. Bes farkli azot seviyesi (0, 40, 80, 120 ve 160 kg N ha -1 ) ve iki farkli dikim mesafesi (15*70cm ve 25*70 cm) test edilmistir. Meyve ve yapraklarda makro ve mikro besin belirlenmistir. Yapraklarin N icerigi Odemis lokasyonunda yuksek azot seviyeleri ile artmis, yapraklardaki maksimum azot icerigi 80 kg N ha -1 uygulamasinda kaydedilmistir. Ayrica, Odemis lokasyonunda, yapraklardaki Mg, Zn, ve Mn icerigi, meyvelerde P, Ca, Mg, Fe ve Zn icerikleri azot dozlarindan onemli olcude etkilenmistir. Menemende, kontrol karsilastirildiginda yapraklardaki Mg, Cu ve Zn,alinimi ve meyvedeki Zn alimini azot dozlarindan onemli olcude etkilenmistir. ABSTRACT Field trials were conducted in two locations: the training fields of the Ege University Odemis Vocational High School and Ege University, Menemen Research, Application and Production Farm, where the effects of different plant densities and nitrogen levels on macro and micro element contents of okra ( Abelmoschus esculentus L.) were investigated. The field layout was a split-plot design with three replicates, where the main plots consisted of nitrogen applications and sub-plots of plant densities. Nitrogen fertilizers were applied in the form of urea and ammonium nitrate. Five different nitrogen levels (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg N ha -1 ) and two different distances between rows (15 cm * 70 cm and 25 cm * 70 cm) were tested. Macro and micro nutrients in fruits and leaves were determined. The N content of the leaves increased with higher nitrogen levels in the Odemis location. The maximum nitrogen content in leaves was determined at the 80 kg N ha -1 application in this location. Additionally, t he content of Mg, Zn, and Mn in the leaves and P, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Zn in fruits significantly affected nitrogen doses at the Odemis location. The Mg, Cu and Zn uptake of leaves and Zn uptake in fruit when compared to the control significantly affected nitrogen doses at Menemen.
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