4th National Meeting in Chaos, Complex System and Time Series

The fourth edition of the National Meeting on Chaos, Complex Systems and Time Series (NMCCSTS4), or in Spanish 4a. Reuni?n Nacional de Caos, Sistemas Complejos y Series de Tiempo, was held from 29 November to 2 December 2011 in the University of Veracruz (Universidad Veracruzana), Campus Xalapa, at Xalapa Veracruz, M?xico, in the beautiful House of the Lake (Casa del Lago), a late XIX century former textile factory situated in the edge of an also ancient former dam, currently a park containing three small lakes, very emblematic of Xalapa, City, the capital of the state of Veracruz, M?xico. The previous editions of this meeting, were held in M?rida (2006), Pachuca (2008) and Puebla (2009). A clear uptrend is observed in the number of participants in this academic event from all Universities of M?xico and abroad, going from about 15 participants in the first meeting to more than 90 in the last one. On this occasion, about 90 participants from three countries attended our event, where 29 papers (10 master lectures from top recognized national and international leaders in the fields of complexity, and 19 invited papers), one course for students and 42 posters were presented. A look at the scientific program of the NMCCSTS4, allows us to appreciate the wide range of topics and recent advances that were covered during our event; topics and recent results in the areas of biology, econophysics, sociophysics, genomics and bioinformatics, complex networks, thermodynamics, etc, were presented and discussed rigorously in a friendly, dynamical and informal atmosphere. Also, on this occasion, we celebrated Professor Miguel Angel Jim?nez Monta?o, for his very distinguished academic career throughout more that 50 years and as a founding member of the Faculty of Physics and AI of University of Veracruz. Prizes were awarded for the best poster presentations. The winner was Porfirio Toledo, from Faculty of Mathematics, University of Veracruz (Game theory to characterize solutions of a discrete-time Hamilton--Jacobi equation). The present volume contains a rigorous selection of the lectures presented at the NMCCSTS4. All papers were peer reviewed and we consider the high quality and the wide range of topics covered here displays the high level that the community of complexity sciences is reaching in our country. We would like to thank all of the speakers, participants and the members of the Organizing Committee, also we would like to express our gratitude to all students and support personal involved with the logistic and technical aspects of the organization of our event. This IV edition of the National Meeting on Caos, Complex System and Time Series was sponsored by the following organizations and institutions, we warmly thank all of them: Universidad Veracruzana, IF-BUAP, UAM Azcapotzalco, INMEGEN, Conacyt (155492), all them from M?xico and the Ministero degli Affari Esteri (MAE) from Italy. A R Hern?ndez Montoya University of Veracruz M E Rodr?guez Achach University of Veracruz E Hern?ndez Lemus National Institute of Genomic Medicine J R Lu?vano Enr?quez Universidad Aut?noma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco C E Vargas Madrazo University of Veracruz Organizing Committee Jos? Luis Carrillo Estrada Instituto de F?sica, Benemerita Universidad Aut?noma de Puebla, carrillo@sirio.ifuap.buap.mx Jos? Rub?n Lu?vano Enr?quez Universidad Aut?noma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco, jrle@correo.azc.uam.mx Enrique Hern?ndez Lemus National Institute of Genomic Medicine, ehernandez@inmegen.gob.mx Alejandro Ra?l Hern?ndez Montoya University of Veracruz, alhernandez@uv.mx Norma Bagatella Flores University of Veracruz, nbagatella@uv.mx Adrian Arturo Huerta Hern?ndez University of Veracruz, adhuerta@uv.mx Manuel Enrique Rodr?guez Achach University of Veracruz, manurodriguez@uv.mx Carlos Ernesto Vargas Madrazo University of Veracruz, cavargas@uv.mx Sol Haret Baez Barrios University of Veracruz, arbaez@uv.mx H?ctor Francisco Coronel Brizio University of Veracruz, hcoronel@uv.mx Sergio Adrian Lerma Hern?ndez University of Veracruz, slerma@uv.mx Rodr?go Huerta Quintanilla CINVESTAV U. M?rida, rhuerta@mda.cinvestav.mx
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