3D musculoskeletal finite element analysis of the foot kinematics under muscle activation with and without ankle arthrodesis

The choice between arthrodesis and arthroplasty in the context of advanced ankle arthrosis remains a highly disputed topic in the field of foot and ankle surgery. Arthrodesis, however, represents the most popular option. Biomechanical modeling has been widely used to investigate static loading of cadaveric feet as well as consequences of arthrodesis on bony structures. Although foot kinematics has been studied using motion analysis, this approach lacks accuracy in capturing internal joints motion due to limitations inherent to external “marker sets” and the fact that it imposed the foot to be considered as a rigid solid. The consequences of arthrodesis on kinematics of the unloaded foot are not well understood although it is of crucial importance during the swing phase and at heel contact. Investigating ankle mobility during muscle contraction with and without arthrosis could explain how the motion is produced by extrinsic muscles activations affected by an arthrodesis. This study aims at defining if a biomechanical model with Finite Elements could help arthrodesis understanding.
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