API Caveat Explorer -- Surfacing Negative Usages from Practice: An API-oriented Interactive Exploratory Search System for Programmers

Application programming interface (API) documentation well describes an API and how to use it. However, official documentation does not describe "how not to use it" or the different kinds of errors when an API is used wrongly. Programming caveats are negative usages of an API. When these caveats are overlooked, errors may emerge, leading to heavy discussions on Q&A websites like Stack Overflow. In this demonstration, we present API Caveat Explorer, a search system to explore API caveats that are mined from large-scale unstructured discussions on Stack Overflow. API Caveat Explorer takes API-oriented queries such as "HashMap" and retrieves API caveats by text summarization techniques. API caveats are represented by sentences, which are context-independent, prominent, semantically diverse and non-redundant. The system provides a web-based interface that allows users to interactively explore the full picture of all discovered caveats of an API, and the details of each. The potential users of API Caveat Explorer are programmers and educators for learning and teaching APIs.
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