A novel functional class I lineage in zebrafish (Danio rerio), carp (Cyprinus carpio), and large barbus (Barbus intermedius) showing an unusual conservation of the peptide binding domains.

Species from all major jawed vertebrate taxa possess linked polymorphic class I and II genes located in an MHC. The bony fish are exceptional with class I and II genes located on different linkage groups. Zebrafish (Danio rerio), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), and barbus (Barbus intermedius) represent highly divergent cyprinid genera. The genera Danio and Cyprinus diverged 50 million years ago, while Cyprinus and Barbus separated 30 million years ago. In this study, we report the first complete protein-coding class I ZE lineage cDNA sequences with high similarity between the three cyprinid species. Two unique complete protein-coding cDNA sequences were isolated in zebrafish, Dare-ZE*0101 and Dare-ZE*0102, one in common carp, Cyca-ZE*0101, and six in barbus, Bain-ZE*0101, Bain-ZE*0102, Bain-ZE*0201, Bain-ZE*0301, Bain-ZE*0401, and Bain-ZE*0402. Deduced amino acid sequences indicate that these sequences encode bonafide class I proteins. In addition, the presence of conserved potential peptide anchoring residues, exon-intron organization, ubiquitous expression, and polymorphism generated by positive selection on putative peptide binding residues support a classical nature of class I ZE lineage genes. Phylogenetic analyses revealed clustering of the ZE lineage clade with nonclassical cyprinid class I Z lineage clade away from classical cyprinid class I genes, suggesting a common ancestor of these nonclassical genes as observed for mammalian class I genes. Data strongly support the classical nature of these ZE lineage genes that evolved in a trans-species fashion with lineages being maintained for up to 100 million years as estimated by divergence time calculations.
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