TINGKAT KEPATUHAN PASIEN GAGAL GINJAL KRONIK DALAM PEMBATASAN CAIRAN PADA TERAPI HEMODIALISA (The Compliance Chronic Renal Failure Patient On Restrictions Liquids In Hemodialysis Therapy)

Introduction Nonadherence is a rampant problem among patients undergoing dialysis and can impact multiple aspects of patient care, including medications, and treatment regimens as well as dietary and fluid restriction. The purpose of this descriptive correlative research, on hemodyalysa patient with chronic kidney disease was to know the influencing factors of compliance patient to fluid restriction. Method This study used descriptive correlative  design, Data was analysys by using distibution frequency and chi square for analysys relation between variable. Result The result revealed were nor significant statistic difference at p > .05 between age, gender, education level, frequency of hemodyalysa and health education from nurse to compliance patient to fluid restriction (p= 0,647; p= 0,717; p= 0,345; p= 0,774; p= 0,273). Discussion Level of patient adherence to therapy not influenced by demographi factor but by the quality of interaction health workers and other factors. This study recommended for further analysis of the factors that influence the level of compliance of the patient as psychological factors (belieft , motivation), socio-economic, and social support.
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