Root abundance of pine, spruce, birch and black alder in the peat soils.

Irrcspcctivc of drainagc intensity in marshy pinc, sprucc and birch forcsts 80-97% of all roots arc conccntratcd in thc uppcr 20 cm laycr of thc soil. In draincd pcat soils thc quantity of roots incrcascs 3-5 timcs, and thcy pcnctratc 20-40 (60) crn dccpcr. Spruces as as wcll as pincs rootcd (strikcs roots) up to 100-120, and birchcs only up to 80-100 cm dcplh. In thc uppcr laycr of thc soil thc nlost part of roots conccntratcd in draincd sprucc forcsts, and thc lcast part in undraincd pinc forcsts. In thc sprucc forcsts agcd 70-90 ycars in I m? arca and 20 cm thick laycr of thc soil thc roots of trccs wcigh 4,604-7,255 g, thcir lcngth is 239263 m, and in pinc forcsts 800-1,000 g and 73-136 111, rcspcctivcly.
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